Alison Perry Jill Nunez John Walker Naomi Hinton

Goodbye For Now

A Talk by Alison Perry , Naomi Hinton , John Walker and Jill Nunez

About this Talk

Sounds-Write CEO and Founder John Walker closes down the Symposium in the company of Symposium hosts, Naomi, Jill, and Alison. They each review the symposium sessions, and talk about the future of Sounds-Write, Phonics Training, and the Symposium.

19 May 2023, 06:00 PM

06:00 PM - 06:30 PM

About The Speakers

Alison Perry

Alison Perry


Speech Pathologist and Sounds-Write Trainer

Naomi Hinton

Naomi Hinton

Head of Training, Sounds-Write

John Walker

John Walker


Jill Nunez

Jill Nunez

Business Manager (USA/Canada), Sounds-Write